Crime Facts Blog News During Drug Raid: South Africa police arrest eight Nigerians for attacking officers

During Drug Raid: South Africa police arrest eight Nigerians for attacking officers


The South African Police Service (SAPS) have arrested eight Nigerians for allegedly attacking the operatives and damaging their vehicles during a drug raid.

The Northern Cape Provincial Commissioner, Lieutenant General Koliswa Otola, confirmed the incident that happened in the Northern Cape on Friday.

According to a South African Police Service (SAPS) statement, at the time of the arrest, police were tracing information of one of the Nigerian nationals in possession of drugs.

“While conducting this search, a large group of Nigerians attacked police. Police fired rubber bullets to disperse the crowd,” SAPS said.

One suspect was arrested for illegal drug possession and three were detained at Kimberley Police Station for public violence, South African Government News Agency said.

In addition, while the policemen were processing the case, suspects broke windows at the station. The police have since added charges of malicious damage to property.

The South African police added, “Another group of Nigerians later approached the police station and threatened to retaliate. The Operational Commander warned the group to disperse.”

Upon dispersing, the group damaged police vehicles, while another four suspects were arrested for malicious damage to property.

Otola has since condemned this behaviour and stated that those who hinder police from exercising their duties will be brutally dealt with.

“We will not allow such lawless behaviour. We are processing the suspects and working with Home Affairs to determine if they are legally or illegally in the country. Police will continue to stamp the authority of the state in the Northern Cape,” he stated.

“We will not allow such lawless behaviour. We are processing the suspects and working with Home Affairs to determine if they are legally or illegally in the country.

“Police will continue to stamp the authority of the state in the Northern Cape Province,” he addedq

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