Crime Facts Blog News EndSARS: Angry protesters hijack, vandalise Air force vehicle in Benin

EndSARS: Angry protesters hijack, vandalise Air force vehicle in Benin

It was more of a civil disobedience than protest in Benin, the capital of Edo state on Wednesday as angry protesters defied all possible danger to hijack and vandalize a Toyota Hilux operational van of Nigeria Air force.

The incident occurred along Benin/Agbor road, shortly after some mobile policemen allegedly vandalized and looted a black-colored Lexus RX330, marked Edo: AKA 235 RZ said to belong to one of the protesters.

All musical items and a power generating set which the protesters had been using for a carnival right on the road for the past four days, were allegedly taken away by the policemen who chased the protesters away before leaving the area after vandalising their vehicle.

But after the policemen left, and the protesters had mobilized back to the road, a Hilux van containing about six Airforce personnel dressed in combat uniform, drove into the road block they had mounted from the Ramat Park side of the road.

The angry protesters defied warnings from the security operatives, blocked their way, forcing them to stop.

Not done, some of the angry youths jumped onto the back cabin of the van, while others smashed the front wind shield of the vehicle.

Some cool-headed persons, however, prevailed on the irate youths, telling them that the police is their common enemy and not the Air force men.

The security operatives who conducted themselves calmly, had no option than to drive down, make a u-turn and went back to the direction of the town.

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