Crime Facts Blog Economy FAAC disburses N1.15tr to Fed Govt, states, councils

FAAC disburses N1.15tr to Fed Govt, states, councils


The Federation Account Allocation Committee (FAAC) has disbursed N1.15 trillion to the three tiers of government for last month.
Last month’s revenue into the federation account was N2.33 trillion, with deductions and savings of N1.17 trillion, including the cost of collection, transfers, interventions, refunds and savings of N250 billion.

Notable highlights from the distributable revenue of N1.15 trillion include gross statutory revenue of N1.19 trillion, surpassing January’s figure by N40.62 billion and Value Added Tax (VAT), N460.49 billion, exceeding January’s amount by N39.76 billion.

Additionally, oil-producing states received N166.24 billion as derivation revenue.

The Federal Government received N352.41 billion out of the N1.15 trillion; states got N366.95 billion, while local governments received N267.15 billion.

From the N101.349 billion distributable statutory revenue, the Federal Government got N7.351 billion, states, N3.729 billion and local governments, N2.875 billion.

The sum of N87.394 billion (13 per cent of mineral revenue) was shared to the benefiting states as derivation revenue.

From the N428.806 billion distributable VAT revenue, the Federal Government received N64.321 billion, states, N214.403 billion and the local governments, N150.082 billion

About N15.157 billion Electronic Money Transfer Levy (EMTL) was shared as follows: Federal Government, N2.274 billion; states, N7.578 billion and the local governments N5.305 billion.

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