Crime Facts Blog FACTCHECK Fact Check: Video Claiming that Bill To Buy And Sell Human Beings has been Passed In US, Is Misleading

Fact Check: Video Claiming that Bill To Buy And Sell Human Beings has been Passed In US, Is Misleading

By Pascal Ibe


A YouTube channel named Investigativenews posted video where a US lawmaker condemned bill to buy and sell human beings.

The YouTube link to this video was also circulated in many WhatsApp groups few days ago.


This claim is Misleading. In that video, Walter Hudson, member of the Republican Party of Minnesota.,criticized the passage of surrogacy legislation by Democrats in control of the Minnesota House of Representatives on April 29 2024.

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A video posted by a YouTube Channel Investigativenews few days ago where a US lawmaker condemned bill to buy and sell human beings, continued to generate reactions.

This video was also circulated on many WhatsApp groups few days ago.

In the video, a United States lawmaker was seen strongly criticizing the bill.

“Are human beings yours to buy and sell? Are they? Can you answer that question?” the lawmaker asked Democrats during a fiery speech on the House floor.


To verify this claim, first did a simple Google image reverse search to know the identity of the lawmaker in the video.

We found out that the lawmaker in the video is Walter Hudson. an American politician serving in the Minnesota House of Representatives since 2023. A member of the Republican Party of Minnesota, Hudson represents District 30A in the northwestern Twin Cities metropolitan area, which includes the cities of St. Michael, Otsego, and Albertville, and parts of Hennepin and Wright Counties. checked the social handles of the lawmaker, Walter Hudson to ascertain if he was actually the one who spoke in the video.

We found out this video was posted on his YouTube account, on his  Facebook campaign page and on his X handle.

What Is the US Lawmaker Taking About?

Like many people would have thought that the lawmaker, Walter Hudson talked about the buying and selling of Humans (Slave Trade), No! The lawmaker strongly criticized the passage of surrogacy legislation by the Democrats in control of the Minnesota House of Representatives.

Dated April 29,2024, in the Minnesota House File tagged 3567, this bill is about Assisted Reproduction Rights, Responsibility Updated, Surrogacy Agreement, Requirement Created, Record Keeping And Information Sharing.

What Is Surrogacy?

According to WikipediaOnline ,Surrogacy is an adoption arrangement, often supported by a legal agreement, whereby a woman agrees to childbirth on behalf of another person(s) who will become the child’s parent(s) after birth. People pursue surrogacy for a variety of reasons such as infertility, dangers or undesirable factors of pregnancy, or when pregnancy is a medical impossibility.

While a surrogacy relationship or legal agreement contains the gestational carrier and the child’s parent(s) after birth, the gestational carriers are usually being referred as surrogate mothers. Surrogate mothers are the woman who carries and gives birth to a baby for another person, in such process of surrogacy.

Surrogate mothers are usually introduced to parent(s) in need of surrogacy through third-party agencies, or other matching channels. They are usually required to participate in processes of insemination (no matter traditional or IVF), pregnancy, delivery, and newborn feeding early after birth.

In surrogacy arrangements, monetary compensation may or may not be involved. Receiving money for the arrangement is known as commercial surrogacy.

The legality and cost of surrogacy varies widely between jurisdictions, contributing to fertility tourism, and sometimes resulting in problematic international or interstate surrogacy arrangements. For example, those living in a country where surrogacy is banned travel to a jurisdiction that permits it. In some countries, surrogacy is legal if there is no financial gain.

Where commercial surrogacy is legal, third-party agencies may assist by finding a surrogate and arranging a surrogacy contract with her. These agencies often obtain medical tests to ensure healthy gestation and delivery. They also usually facilitate legal matters concerning the intended parents and the surrogate.

Reports by news Organizations

In a report by Alpha News on April 30 2024, Democrats in control of the Minnesota House of Representatives passed surrogacy legislation that has been strongly criticized by religious groups and social conservatives in the state. Authored by four women in the chamber, HF 3567 passed in a 68-61 vote.

In Minnesota, surrogacy is currently legal. However, the practice exists as a private arrangement, meaning the legal system does not have authority to enforce surrogacy agreements between individuals. Passed by House Democrats on Monday night, HF 3567 would establish a legal framework for the surrogacy process.

Among its provisions, the bill states that individuals who provide sperm or an egg in the course of “assisted reproduction” would not be legally considered a parent of the child. Conversely, the legislation says that an individual who signs a document which establishes “intent to be a parent of a child conceived by the assisted reproduction is a parent of the child.”

This was also reported by Minnesota Catholic Conference.

Walter Hudson Reacts

Reacting to this bill on X, Rep Walter Hudson wrote, “Last night, Minnesota Democrats voted along party lines to allow the buying and selling of human beings via for-profit surrogacy.

“They voted to allow the buying and selling of people.

.“. Don’t worry though. According to Rep. Finke, it’s a win for the queer caucus. So, rest easy knowing that the reason we’re selling kids is so they can accessorize fabulous adults.

Minnesota Catholic Conference Criticizes Bill

In response to the passage of HF 3567, the Minnesota Catholic Conference (MCC) and the Minnesota Family Council (MFC) released a statement denouncing “the legalization of commercial surrogacy arrangements.”

“Surrogacy commodifies women’s bodies, reduces children to mere products, and creates a system ripe for exploitation and abuse,” said Rebecca Delahunt, Director of Public Policy for the MFC. “By legalizing surrogacy, we risk devaluing the inherent dignity of both women and children, treating them as objects to be bought and sold. Women are not for rent and children are not for sale.”


The claim by a YouTube channel named Investigativenews that bill to buy and sell human beings has been passed in the US, is Misleading. After thorough findings, discovered that US lawmaker Walter Hudson, who spoke in the video, meant the passage of surrogacy legislation by democrats in control of Minnesota House of Representatives.

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