Crime Facts Blog News LiberiaDecides’23: Weah, Boakai in close race as NEC announces more results

LiberiaDecides’23: Weah, Boakai in close race as NEC announces more results


The incumbent Liberian president and candidate of the Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC), George Weah, and former Vice President Joseph Boakai, candidate of the Unity Party (UP), are in a close race as results of Tuesday’s elections continue to trickle in.

Results available on the website of Liberia’s election management body, NEC, show that almost 50 per cent (49.8 ) of the results have been announced.

Of the votes announced, Mr Weah has so far polled 44.58 per cent with 415,895 votes while Mr Boakai has polled 43.1 per cent with 402,137 votes.

The close race between the duo appears to be a repetition of the 2017 presidential election in Liberia that had to be decided in a run-off.

To be announced the winner of the election, a candidate must score over 50 per cent of the total votes cast. In the event that neither candidate secures the required percentage, the top two will go to a run-off.

On Tuesday, Liberians went to the polls to vote for a new president, half of the Senate and the House of Representatives.

A total of 20 candidates are taking part in the presidential election although many Liberians had told PREMIUM TIMES they expected it to be a two-horse race between Messrs Weah and Boakai.

The electoral commission has until 25 October (15 days) to announce the final results of the elections.

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