Crime Facts Blog Judiciary My husband feeds our children who are SS with alcoholic drink, woman tells court

My husband feeds our children who are SS with alcoholic drink, woman tells court

The five-year-old wedlock between a woman, Mufuliat Soremekun and her husband, Abass Soremekun was recently dissolved by Oja Oba/ Mapo Court C Customary Court, Mapo, Ibadan, Oyo State.

Mufuliat who dragged her husband to court alleged that he was a drunk. She added that he has introduced their two children who are underage to this habit.

The plaintiff explained that the defendant was irresponsible and that he had constantly failed in his duty as the breadwinner in the family.

Mufuliat added that Abass, rather than feed their children with nourishing food, introduced them to alcoholic drinks.

According to her, their children sometimes get intoxicated and would start to misbehave.

Mufuliat expressed fear that their children might not turn out well in life.

The plaintiff also accused the defendant of deceit.

She told the court that her husband lied to her that his genotype was AA but that the damage was already done by the time she discovered he was AS.

Mufuliat stated that their two children are SS and that taking care of their health had become a herculean task because Abass never gave her moral or financial support.

Abass gave his consent to divorce.

The defendant denied most of the allegations leveled against him, describing his wife as “a thief.”

According to him, Mufuliat recently broke into his safe when he was not around and stole N80,000.

Abass told the court he couldn’t wait to part ways with Mufuliat because he was tired of living with a thief.

Mufuliat in her testimony told the court that, “My lord, I am fed up with my husband. I am tired of warning him against alcohol.

“Abass drinks alcohol like water and that is all he spends his income on.

“My husband inherited this habit from his father and has also initiated our two children in it.

“Abass as the breadwinner has neglected our children’s welfare and denied them good food. He prefers to feed them with alcoholic drinks which I frown on.

“My lord, there were times these children get intoxicated and start to misbehave as a result of the effect of the strong drink,” the plaintiff said

Mufuliat added that, “Abass is a liar. He deceived me into marrying him.

“I told Abass at the outset of our relationship that I am AS but he lied that he was AA. Our children are today paying for his crooked ways because both of them are SS.

“My husband has not been morally or financially supportive since this discovery. His attitude is causing my health to fail and I now have blood pressure,” the plaintiff stated.

Abass in his evidence said, “My lord, I am tired of living with a thief. Mufuliat broke into the safe I kept in my room and stole my N80,000. She has refused to return the money.

“I don’t want Mufuliat any longer in my life. I, therefore, agree that you separate us,” he said.

He went on: “It is true that I beat my wife but she is to blame. Mufuliat is stubborn and never relents on disobeying my orders. She loves to have her way but I have warned her times without number that she either listens to me or leave my house.

“My wife and her family members have milked me dry and I am in huge debt because I was always trying to satisfy them.

“Mufuliat once lied to me that she was pregnant with our third child. She knew I normally pamper and lavish money on her when in this state,” Abass concluded.

Ruling after he had heard both parties, the court president, Chief Ademola Odunade dissolved their union.

Odunade awarded custody of the two children to the plaintiff and ordered the defendant to pay the sum of N5,000 per child, every month for their upkeep in addition to being responsible for their education and welfare.

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