Crime Facts Blog News Over 40 ‘Yahoo Boys’ Dressed In White Invade Abuja Estate

Over 40 ‘Yahoo Boys’ Dressed In White Invade Abuja Estate


There was pandemonium in Mab Global Estate in the Gwarinpa area of the Federal Capital Territory as over 40 suspected internet fraudsters ‘Yahoo Boys’ attempted to breach the estate security on Friday night.

This is coming less than 24 hours after two military officers were arrested for harassing civilian security men in the Estate.

According to eyewitnesses, the suspected internet fraudsters, known in local parlance as Yahoo boys all dressed in white, attempted to gain entrance into the estate around 11:45 pm but were prevented by the combined team of security personnel at the gate.

They could not provide the requisite information on the particular house number that was expecting them, hence the estate security turned them back.

However, they returned strong in a convoy of 15 cars, carrying over 40 people in white around 2:30 am

A security personnel said they became aggressive as they attempted to forcibly penetrate the estate.

The suspected internet fraudsters and ritual killers most of who were hanging leather bags suspected to be holding dangerous weapons insisted that they were going to attend a birthday party at plot 312 Gold Street.

Curiously, the particular residence is in the vicinity of the Embassy of the Democratic Arab Republic located within the estate.

The security men were adamant in their resistance saying 312 was a private residence and not a commercial apartment building.

But the suspected fraudsters insisted that the gate must be opened even as they started a struggle with the civilian security men,

An agitated chief security officer of the estate, Mr Denis Omala, had to call in all his men numbering over 50 to prevent them from breaching the peace of the estate.

One of the executive members of the estate had to rush to the gate late in the night to ensure that the young men were turned back as their intentions were not known.

He urged the residents to be more vigilant because of the recurrent attempt to breach the security of the estate lately.

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