Crime Facts Blog News Why we removed 2,747 illegal signages – FCTA

Why we removed 2,747 illegal signages – FCTA

The Federal Capital Territory Administration (FCTA) on Wednesday, gave insight into why it installed 36 new signages and removed 2,747 others.

Briefing newsmen, the Director, Department of Outdoor Advertising and Signage, Dr Babagana Adam, explained that the new signages were installed to ensure standardisation and environmental protection.

He said FCT as a nation’s capital, needed to meet up with international standards and would not be taken over by illegal signage littering the streets.

The director added that the illegal ones removed were a threat to security and waste in the city.

“We have installed 36 signage in the city, 2, 747 illegal ones have been removed. This is to help bring about standardisation, regulations and environmental control.

“The department is not against anyone’s progress but to ensure that right things are put in place for the good of all,” Adam said.

On the revenue drive, the director disclosed that the department in the last six months, generated N500 million against the three years that only N333 million was raised.

“When I assumed office, the revenue generated in three years, 2016, 2017 and 2018 was just N333 million, but within my first six months or less, I was able to generate about N500 million.

” This shows that the potential of FCT generating revenue is massive and impressive,” he said.

Adam urged cooperate bodies and relevant stakeholders to support the department in its quest to ensure sanity in the FCT.

According to him, the 36 signage installed so far have generated about 50,000 jobs for residents.


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