September 24, 2024

Senate confirms Muazu Sambo as minister-designate

The senate has confirmed Muazu Sambo as minister-designate.

The upper legislative chamber confirmed his nomination after screening him for about an hour on Tuesday.

Sambo is expected to be inaugurated as a minister following his confirmation by the senate.


While he was being screened by the senate, Sambo said he will crack the issues hindering the progress of Mambilla power project within one year.

Sambo said there must be a way of appeasing Sunrise Power Transmission Company of Nigeria Ltd (SPTCL).

The company took Nigeria to the International Court of Arbitration, Paris, France.

It is seeking a $2.354 billion award for “breach of contract” in relation to a 2003 agreement to construct the 3,050MW plant in Mambilla, Taraba state, on a “build, operate and transfer” basis.

Sambo said it is sad that after so many years after its conception, the power project is not yet complete.

“This was a project that was conceptualised right from the days of the first republic and up till now we are still talking about it not taking off,” he said.

“I know that the non-taking off of the project is because of an arbitration case in Paris. There must be a way of settling the company that took us to court.

“I will make a difference in one year. I know where the problem is and how to crack it.”

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