Crime Facts Blog News Sowore: Nigeria is officially a police state – CUPP

Sowore: Nigeria is officially a police state – CUPP

Ikenga Imo Ugochinyere... CUPP spokesman

…Says: Presidency behind the invasion of Court

The Coalition of United Political parties (CUPP) says it is outraged over the attack Friday, on Justice Ijeoma Ojukwu and Mr. Omoyele Sowore inside the Federal High Court, Abuja while the Court was in session.

This is also as the opposition coalition maintained that the presidency was behind the brazen attack on the court of law.

In a statement signed by the CUPP spokesman, Ikenga Imo Ugochinyere and made available to, the opposition parties regretted that the serenity as well as sanctity of the Court was utterly desecrated by the men of the DSS who believing
they are above the law launched their attack on the Court even while the Court was in session.

The statement read in part: “The arrest of Sowore right inside the Court room while trial was on is treason against constitutional governance.

“This attack is the worst level of contemptuous act ever witnessed in
Nigeria’s democracy and could not have happened without express approval and backing of the Presidency. It has formally announced the total
collapse of democracy and constitutionality and ushered in a descent
into totalitarianism, anarchy and despotism. Nigeria is now officially a
Police State.”

CUPP holds that the attack on the Court of law is worse than the barricading of the National Assembly for which a former Director General of the DSS was summarily sacked.

The statement continued: “The Court is the Temple of Justice. It is ordinarily the inner Chamber of civility that even the military in their decades of ule in Nigeria could not suppress. If the Presidency will claim it did not directly approve the desecration of the Federal High Court in session, we call for the immediate sack of all the officers of the SSS involved in this show of shame and for them including their superiors who gave the order to be docked immediately for the contempt in facie curie and sentenced appropriately.”

The CUPP added that it yearns to know what the reaction and response of the Chief Justice of Nigeria will be in the face of such utter desecration of a hallowed institution.

“While we note that this type of action can only happen where the
executive has no respect for the judiciary, its leadership,
structure and powers, we shall however await the comments and position
of the Chief Justice of Nigeria, before we take a more formal position on
this abomination”, the statement closed.

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