Anyone insulting me is wasting his time –Oyedepo

THE ,General Overseer,of the Living Faith
Church Worldwide aka Winners ’ Chapel ,
David Oyedepo , has said anyone insulting
him is wasting his or her time .

He also disclosed that his church planted
520 new parishes on Sunday , August 16 ,
2020 .

Oyedepo has been under intense criticism
over his comments on Sunday , warning
the Federal Government to expunge the
part of the newly – signed amended
Companies and Allied Matters Act, 2020 ,
that gives the supervising minister the
power to remove the board of trustees of
churches without recourse to the court .

Amongst those who criticised the cleric is
the President ’s aide on Social Media ,
Lauretta Onochie, who tweeted on
Monday, “ I hope this is not true . If it is ,
Oyedepo will have to manufacture his
own country and live by his own laws . As
long as he lives and operates within the
entity called Nigeria , he will live by
Nigerian rules and laws . He will do as Henry ’s
told by the law . Enough of lawlessness .”

But Oyedepo in a sermon on Tuesday
morning tagged , ‘Breaking Limits ’ aired
via the church ’s social media platforms ,
said , “ If I ever preached a message where
there is no laughter , don’t listen to it . I
have been laughing like this 76 till forever
since I found Matthew 6 : 33 . I have been
laughing at the devil and smiling as I
serve . You insult me , I enjoy it . You insult
me and I stop going to work because you
insult , I will be a big fool. I am going to
work .

“ They said , see his legs . Yes , I thank God
for my legs . See his nose , yes, He made it
and He did it beautifully. See how short he
is , that’s the size He made me for so I can
save more clothes.

You know, He that sits in heaven shall
laugh. If you are not laughing, you are not
seated in heaven. And we are seated in
heavenly places , so what should we be
doing ? Laugh. As they insult you ? Laugh .
As they mock you? Laugh . As they abuse
you? Laugh .

Anybody insulting me is wasting his
time . One , I didn ’t hear . Two , even if I
heard , it won’t pain me . Anybody praising
me is expressing his opinion . One , I didn ’t
hear . And even if I heard, it won’t blow
my head because if you praise anything in
me , it is Jesus.”

He added , “ Nobody has the power to
determine how many people worship
Jesus. No force on earth has the power .
When I ’m lifted up , I will draw all men to
myself . So , get all the facilities ready . The
devil is tired . You ask him and he will tell
you. I am tired because there are churches
today that are just pushing the frontiers of
the gospel in spite of the devil .

“ As at last night , we got the report of 520
of our new churches planted . The Lord
shall send the rod out of Zion , rule thou in
the midst of thou enemies. It’s a divine
agenda. No policy under heaven can stop
it . 520 churches planted on the 16 th of
August. If I were the devil , I will start
mourning now. Shame on the devil .”

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