As panic and fear spread with the COVID-19 pandemic, stupid or malicious acts may soon be considered criminal offenses and subject to terrorism laws.
The United States, Department Of Justice (DOJ) has circulated a memo to law enforcement and federal prosecutors saying that deliberate acts to spread the coronavirus could be prosecuted under federal terrorism laws given that the virus is a biological agent.
A biodefence website, Pandora Reports published that a Wegmans shopper in New Jersey was charged with making a terroristic threat in the third degree – a felony offense – after he deliberately coughed toward grocery staff and claimed to be infected with coronavirus.
This act was reported to be the shopper’s response to a request by store personnel that he move further away from the employee, respecting the social distancing recommendation.
Later, a different man in New Jersey coughed at police and medical personnel while being arrested for domestic violence.
In response to such behaviors, U.S. Deputy Attorney General, Jeffrey A. Rosen sent a memo to law enforcement and federal prosecutors warning them to monitor threats to spread the coronavirus. The memo stated that these acts could be prosecuted under federal terrorism laws given that the virus is a biological agent.
Rosen explicitly stated that threats or efforts to use COVID-19 as a weapon in any way will not be abided. The memo also addresses other potential crimes related to the pandemic, ranging from advertisement and sales of fake therapeutics and tests to illegally stockpiling scarce products like medical supplies.