No fewer than 25 Secondary School students have allegedly been suspended for belonging to “Marlians’ Female Secret Cult”, the mother of one of the students disclosed this in a social media outburst.
Although the woman didn’t disclose the name of the school in the Friday Facebook post on Lailanews page, she however said the school suspended them for two weeks.
According to the woman, her daughter and a number of other female students do not wear pants to school on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays as part of their cult rules.
The woman, who is a deaconess said she had banned all “Naira Marley songs and clothings” in her house and wondered why her 15-year-old “born again child of Zion”, whose father is an Elder would disgrace them like that.
She said she’s not a party to flogging but her daughter’s actions have changed all that, adding that she will beat the hell out of her, after which the father would continue from where she stopped.
The beating will come regardless of the fact that the girl is still a virgin, as the mother checked her virginity immediately she brought her home, to find out if she had been violated.
The students were exposed when one of them arrived in school late and the teacher who was disciplining them for late-coming found out she had a pant in her school bag.
Further investigations revealed she wasn’t wearing any. After a little bit of drilling, she later confessed to belonging to the cult group and mentioned other members in SS1 to SS3.
Hereunder is the woman’s outburst:
Hello Laila, I am just coming from my daughters school right now. Their principal called me around 9am this morning to report to school over an emergency. I panicked and drove over only to be told that my 15 year old daughter and most of the girls from her class and other senior secondary classes are to be suspended for being members of a female secret cult. They were about 25-30 girls all kneeling down with their hands up.
I was shocked and I asked for further explanation’s and the head teacher said that a teacher who was disciplining late comers found out that one of the girls had her pant inside her school bag and on further investigation, it was discovered that she wasn’t wearing any on her waist. When she was flogged and interrogated further to know why and how she was not wearing her pant, she confessed that she was a member of the Marlians cult in school and that part of their rules was that they must not wear pant to school on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. I was shocked.
The head teacher told me that she was flogged some more until she mentioned all their members from SS1 – SS3 and unfortunately, my daughter who is a born again child of Zion was involved. Laila, the devil has succeeded and my daughter has joined a cult group.
I was handed her letter of two weeks suspension and shame nearly killed me. The daughter of an elder and deaconess, I battled hard to hold my tears, I had to bring her home right and God in heaven knows that I will beat that Marlians cult out of her today and her father will finish the work when he comes home this night. I won’t spare her else the devil wins. The bible was clear on the issue of sparing the rod. I have never subscribed to flogging but I have just given up.
I checked her vagina and her hymen is still intact so I don’t understand why she has to leave the house wearing pant only to remove it on getting to school because Initially I was afraid that she may have been violated or maybe having sex with the cult members or something like that. I honestly don’t understand why this girl has decided to disgrace our family like this. Worse is that children of some of our church members also attend the same school and witnessed the show of shame.
I banned Naira Marley song or cloths in my house little did I know that his cult has also gone into schools to defile our young ones. I rather die than have a child of mine become a reproach to the kingdom of God.